Recently, it was my dog Icy's 15th birthday party. 15 is a big birthday, especially for a dog, so I wanted to make it as fun and special for her as I could. 

I had big plans for this birthday bash, and it was terrific! However, I didn't get to do everything I planned. Isn't that always the way - you have big plans but you end up scrapping some of it because life just gets in the way.

MY DOGS BIRTHDAY PARTY, two dogs eating a birthday cake
Icy and Jessie enjoying some dog birthday cake!

But I'm not complaining, it was an awesome dog party and it's a day I'll always cherish.



Once I had my ridiculously grandiose plan for Icy's party, I needed to actually go out and get all the birthday party stuff I'd need.

Once I scaled down the dog birthday bash and got back to reality, here's what I actually did have for her birthday.

First up, my girl had to have a beautiful birthday cake! If I wanted to get really ambitious about it, I could have found a great dog birthday cake recipe and made her a birthday cake myself. But why would I when there's a wonderful dog bakery where I could easily buy a fabulous dog birthday cake near me. It's right next door to the grocery store we go to every week, so that's a no brainer! Right? 

They always have frozen dog birthday cakes available. Their dog cakes are beautiful and obviously delicious. I know that because my dogs LOVE their birthday cakes!

Icy's beautiful birthday cake and party hats

Needless to say, my dog's birthday cake was a huge hit with both Icy and little Jessie!


Dog Birthday Decorations 

Last year for Icy's birthday party I had pink and white balloons and pink streamers. I loved that, it looked so pretty! 

Unfortunately, this year I didn't do balloons or streamers. I actually bought more streamers. I was going to decorate with both pink and purple streamers but that didn't happen. I ran out of time and I ran out of steam! I didn't stress about it though, Icy didn't notice and neither did anyone else.

So my big dog party decoration bargain was the adorable Happy birthday sign I got at the dollar store! Only $1.25 for this cute, colorful birthday sign. I love it, and even if I went to an expensive party store I don't think I'd find one I liked better.

Dog Birthday party, Happy Birthday Sign
The Happy Birthday sign I got at the dollar store

The Piece de resistance of all the party decorations was (drumroll please!) the party hats I made for the dogs! OK, so really it was THE party hat I made for Icy our Birthday Girl. I made a cute one for Jessie too, which she refused to wear for more than 3 minutes LOL!

It took me 2 days, but I made a beautiful party hat for Icy. I wanted her to have a really special birthday party hat. Not to toot my own horn, but I think it came out great! I'm actually quite proud of it. It wasn't easy and it was time consuming, but so worth it!

Icy and Jessie wearing their birthday party hats!

I didn't know if Icy would cooperate and wear her party hat. But I swear I feel like she knew it was something very special just for her. We got that hat right on her no problem, and she wore it the whole time with no objections whatsoever! I got some adorable photos and video of her in her party hat. I will cherish that hat and the memory of her wearing it while happily chomping on birthday cake, forever!

My dogs birthday party hats
My dogs birthday party hats

Making the party hats are probably why I ran out of time to do much else, LOL!

Dog birthday presents

It wouldn't be a birthday party without presents, would it? Icy got some presents that she loves! She got several bags of treats and chew sticks which these days are her favorite things.  She also got a couple of toys, which Jessie has been diligently attempting to steal at every turn! That's doggie sibling rivalry for you - not much different than human sibling rivalry. They always seem to want what the other one has!


Some of Icy's presents and her cake!

Even though my big dog birthday party plan got scaled down a bit, it was a wonderful time! Dogs and people alike had so much fun. It was great to see Icy being treated like the beautiful Princess she is. 👑

Here's a cute video of Icy and Jessie chowing down on birthday cake! (No sound, 45 seconds)

I am so ....



On a more serious note, recently Hurricane Helene has devastated Florida's West coast, leaving a wave of disaster in communities all the way up to Virginia! Disasters like this drive home the importance of Emergency Preparedness. No matter where you live being prepared for an emergency is imperative, and should include our pets too! 

People can, and should, take their furry family members with them when evacuating. Preparing early helps families be prepared to take pets with them in the event of an emergency or disaster. Our prayers go out to all the people and pets impacted by this monster hurricane. 💔

I have an Emergency Go bag for both myself and my husband, and my dogs. To avoid scrambling to find all the items needed to evacuate our home with our dogs, I had created an Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Dogs for myself. I now offer it for sale as a downloadable file in my Etsy Shop for $1.50. It can be printed and filled out manually, or used digitally on your Phone, PC, or Tablet. It can help pet parents prepare to take pets with them in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Pets available in my Etsy shop
Emergency Preparedness Checklist
for Dogs and other Pets


Please Stay Safe out there 🩷


We fell in love with the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains the first time we went with our dogs! We discovered this great dog friendly vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains by chance, when another vacation plan with the dogs fell through. We needed to quickly find a different dog friendly vacation destination. But I'm so glad we found this North Carolina mountain area - talk about a happy accident! 

This is the second year we took Icy to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Last time we had a wonderful vacation hiking with our dogs along the trails in Boone, NC. That trip was a bit more rugged as Icy was much stronger then, even though it was only one year earlier.  

You can see how strong she was in the below video. We all had a Blast on that trip! It's a treasured memory with my beautiful Husky, and I feel so blessed to have been able to experience it with her. She is a senior dog now, at age 15, so we need to adjust to her capabilities. 


IMPORTANT: As of September 28, 2024 much of the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains, including Boone and surrounding towns, have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the wonderful people of Boone, and others who have been devastated by this monster hurricane. We hope they can all rebuild and move forward as soon as possible. Food and Water are being airlifted to hard to reach areas of the North Carolina mountains. As with most natural disasters, much of the communications have been lost. If you need help locating missing family members in the mountains of North Carolina, the Red Cross has a hotline to help you reconnect with those affected by Helene. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), select Disaster. They will try to help locate missing people. People can also use this line to list themselves as safe. Here's a link to the FEMA Hurricane Helene information web site.


We will continue to enjoy taking our dog on adventures whether they be long or brief, challenging or easy, for as long as she is able. Senior dogs don't need to be left on the sidelines! They can and should still enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, with all the stimulating smells and sounds. They just need to do it in a slightly different way.

Not every Blue Ridge Mountain outing with dogs has to be a strenuous or challenging hike. There are beautiful walking trails all around the area. Like The Middle Fork Greenway Trail which is a lovely, easier trail with two quaint bridges that cross a pretty flowing stream. We all enjoyed the beauty of this trail. Here's a short video of Icy on this lovely walking trail (video contains music).

Excerpt from the ExploreBoone website: The Middle Fork Greenway project, led by the Blue Ridge Conservancy,  has been in development since 2013. Eventually, the Greenway will be an uninterrupted walking, biking, and hiking path that follows the Middle Fork of the New River all the way from Blowing Rock to Boone's existing Greenway trail.

Another thing we enjoyed doing with our senior dog is simply relaxing at great dog friendly coffee shops. We found 3 great cafes in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountain area that we visited pretty much every day! My husband and I really enjoyed it and so did Icy. Whether it was after a nice leisurely walk or after a very short mountain hike, Icy loved it. She loves to people watch and get occasional pets from folks passing by!


I know how much our pet's health means to all of us. Keeping close tabs on their health is essential. My Husky Icy is 15 years old and experiencing some different health concerns. I was having trouble keeping up with all of Icy's vet visits and new medications, so I created a Pet Health Tracker to keep track of her Vet visits, Medications and preventative treatments, Vaccinations (our Vet recently waived several of them), and more. 

Now I can easily organize her healthcare details in one place. I loved my Pet Health Care Tracker so much I decided to offer it for sale in my Etsy shop!

Complete Pet Health Care Tracker document for pet health records
Complete Pet Health Care Tracker

This brief slideshow clearly shows you each page of the Pet Health Tracker:

Both a Printable and Digital format are included in the low price of $3.50  And, for a limited time I'm including a valuable Pet Emergency Preparedness Checklist as a Free Gift with Purchase! 

The Pet Health Tracker is an instant download product, so upon purchase you'll have access to the files. Visit my Etsy Shop and check it out!

Sharing is Caring If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your social media! ❤️


My Husky Icy is nearly 15 years old, so at this point we've been dealing with caring for an old dog. I guess she's been considered a "senior dog" for the last few years, but until very recently it really hadn't been a concern at all to deal with caring for a senior dog.

CARING FOR A SENIOR DOG  My senior dog napping at a cafe
Caring for an older dog

In the last year or so Icy has "aged" very noticeably. Her three biggest issues have been pretty advanced arthritis, dog dementia symptoms, and the fact that she's lost a considerable amount of weight in just a few months. 

Caring for My Senior Dog

During Icy's regular twice yearly wellness Vet visit, we wanted to discuss her advancing arthritis symptoms and some dog dementia symptoms she started experiencing. 

However, our Vet was most concerned that she had dropped several pounds in just a few months. So, in addition to Icy's scheduled bloodwork, the Vet wanted to take x-rays to see if anything was present that could account for Icy's rapid weight loss. Because of these three health problems, our Veterinarian sent us home with a few medications to help keep our senior dog more comfortable. 

The Vet gave us 4 medications for Icy:

> For her arthritis pain the Vet gave us two medications; Gabapertin for pain and Galiprant for inflammation. 

> Because Icy has been experiencing some dog dementia symptoms, which is a common older dog mental health problem, we were given Anipryl.

> The icing on the cake was that totally unbeknownst to us, my sweet dog apparently had an infection! It didn't show up in the bloodwork and she showed no symptoms of infection that we could see. 

Our wonderful, astute Vet noticed that as she was taking x-rays of Icy, some discharge was visible while she was being manipulated on the x-ray table. Because of this, our Vet also gave us an antibiotic to fight the infection. It worked like a charm! My poor dog's appetite had really diminished for no apparent reason. We though it was just an old dog thing, but 4 days after taking the antibiotic her appetite returned!

Now the infection is cleared up and we're left with three of the medications, which Icy will need to continue long term. She also gets monthly Flea/Tick/Heartworm medication. We regularly give her a number of supplements and a probiotic as well.

Whew! Old dog care can be a lot to manage! I'm not used to giving my dog many supplements and medications, but it's increased significantly since she's aged. In fact, the very first day I had to give her all 4 of the medications I really messed up!

The writing on those darn medication bottles is so small! Am I right about that?! I read them all and was sure I had it right - but nope! Each medication's instructions is a bit different and I'm embarrassed to say I messed it up. 

One of the pain medications is given once a day, but the pill needs to be broken in half! I sort of missed the breaking in half part and I gave Icy the whole pill. I quickly realized my mistake and called my Vet's office in a panic!  They said to just keep an eye on her and call them if she experienced any adverse effects. Not a great way to start off my dog's new medication regiment! Don't worry, she was fine.

After that I decided to write out all of the medications and their doses and instructions.  It didn't work out so well, small pieces of paper are easy to misplace. And once I put the instructions on the kitchen counter, which turned out to be wet - LOL!  I wanted a better way to track all the medications and supplements I need to give Icy so I created a tracker to help me keep it straight and keep everything in one place.

It worked out so well for me, I decided to expand upon it and create a Complete Pet Health Tracker and offer it for sale in my Etsy shop. I'm really proud of it and I hope it will help others stay on top of their pet's health. It's perfect for both dogs and cats.

Complete Pet Health Tracker

My easy to use Pet Health Tracker helps pet owners keep track of their pet's healthcare including Vet visits, Pet medications and preventatives, Pet vaccinations, and Pet allergies. All the details can be organized and kept in one document.  

Both a Printable and Digital format are included in the low price $3.50. For a limited time, I'm also including a really useful Free Gift with Purchase! 

The tracker is an instant download product, so upon purchase you'll have access to the files. Visit my Etsy Shop and check it out!

Here's a preview of what you get in the Pet Health Tracker

Fortunately, Icy is doing well with her medications and supplements, and I haven't screwed up any more of her medications! 

We are so relieved that once her infection cleared up she started eating again. She's eating almost as much as she did before the infection was detected, so I hope she can gain back some of the weight she's lost. We'll be back at the Vet in a few more weeks for a re-check. I'm anxious to see if she puts some weight on. Stay tuned!

My dog Icy splashing through the river during a hike
Icy splashing through the river on our hike!

We had been so worried that Icy wouldn't be able to make our trip up to the Blue Ridge Mountains in August, but she did great! We had a wonderful vacation. I'll be posting more about that trip very soon, but you can see my post about a few of the dog friendly coffee shops we visited there. I'm so happy she was well enough to go on this vacation, and thoroughly enjoy it! 

How do you keep track of your pet's health care? Leave us a comment and share!

Sharing is Caring If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your social media! ❤️


Whenever we travel, we bring our dogs along. They deserve a vacation as much as we do! Dog friendly travel is a priority for me, I'm always searching for pet friendly hotels and destinations with fun activities for dogs too. We fell in love with the dog friendly Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina last year, so we went back again this Summer. The beautiful hiking and fresh mountain air are fantastic, but after you hike, kayak, and fish all day you need to relax! I want to share 3 great dog friendly coffee shops in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains

Relaxing with my dog at the Local Lion cafe in Boone, Blue Ridge Mountains
Relaxing at the Local Lion dog friendly cafe, Boone NC

We spent quite a bit of quality time relaxing and chilling with our dog at these charming dog friendly cafes in the Boone area of the Blue Ridge Mountains! 


IMPORTANTAs of September 28, 2024 much of the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains, including Boone and surrounding towns, have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the wonderful people of Boone, and others who have been devastated by this monster hurricane. We hope they can all rebuild and move forward as soon as possible. Food and Water are being airlifted to hard to reach areas of the North Carolina mountains. As with most natural disasters, much of the communications have been lost. If you need help locating missing family members in the mountains of North Carolina, the Red Cross has a hotline to help you reconnect with those affected by Helene. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), select Disaster. They will try to help locate missing people. People can also use this line to list themselves as safe. Here's a link to the FEMA Hurricane Helene information web site.



Dog boarding is a service I hadn't used in a long time. Years ago, when Icy was young we used to board her when we went on vacation. We used the PetSmart near our home and it was fantastic. They had trained her since she was 16 weeks old, and she went to doggie daycamp 3 times a week for years. All the staff there knew her and loved her. We trusted them completely and we really liked them so much as people. They became like family. But when we moved, it was challenging to choose the right dog boarding facility for our dog.

Dog in a dog bed. Dogs should be safe and comfortable in a boarding facility.
I want my dog to be safe and comfortable in a dog boarding facility

Fast forward two moves across the country and several years later, we no longer had a pet boarding facility we could trust with our dogs. It hadn't been an issue since we began road tripping with our dogs about 10 years ago. We no longer needed to send our dogs to a boarding kennel. But that changed last month.


If you follow the blog or our social media accounts, you probably know that Icy, our nearly 15 year old Husky, has been experiencing some common senior dog health issues. We have had to pay very close attention to her health needs and make quite a few accommodations for her. 

We had planned a Summer vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains, which we took our dogs to last year. But we felt torn. We felt strongly that Icy should have another fabulous road trip, possibly her last one due to her advancing age and growing limitations. Our other dog Jessie, who we adopted 2 years ago, is much younger and super energetic. They are not exactly close, unfortunately. Jessie is fearful of other dogs, something we didn't know when we adopted her. The rescue organization wasn't entirely forthcoming about her many "quirks", which is why it's so important to thoroughly research the animal shelter or pet rescue organization you adopt a dog from.

Because of the less than ideal dynamic between Icy and Jessie, and Icy's advancing age and special needs we decided not to bring Jessie on the trip. That may seem unfair to some of you. Traveling with two dogs can be a lot of work as it is. But when you throw in dogs with special health needs or incompatibilities, it is that much more unpredictable. 

We moved here during the Pandemic and have very few family or friends living here. I'm not fortunate enough to have family or friends who are able (or willing) to dog sit for more than a weekend. None of my family or neighbors could take Jessie for the 10 days we would be away, so we looked for a dog boarding facility that could care for her while we traveled with Icy. I looked at several places and finally decided on one that met all my requirements and more.

🐾They provided a full tour of the facility well in advance, and answered all my questions

🐾They offered one free day of day camp or boarding so we could check out the facility and see how Jessie would do there. She did very well!

🐾They have a couple of different room choices for the dogs

🐾They provide two play sessions daily, both indoor and outdoor play areas 

🐾They have veterinary care on site just in case it's needed

🐾And here was the clincher for me - they have Live Web Cams! I could go online and check in on all the play areas during the day. Rather than have to call them every day to see how Jessie was doing, I could pop into the web cam and see her myself. Ok, so I did call them a couple of times just to get the full report on how she was eating, pooping, and overall getting along. I'm a Dog Mom, of course I went on the web cam every day and called a few times! 

I feel confident that I did the research and made the right choice of a boarding facility for Jessie. If you need to board your dog, be sure to thoroughly check out the facility well in advance.

Visit my Etsy store, Nature and Critters for pet and animal inspired digital and printable cards, gifts and other products! 

I had thought about a pet sitter, but I felt safer having Jessie in a secure facility where she had supervision 24/7, and veterinary care available on site if needed. There are some amazing pet sitters, and they are a great fit for many pets but I felt a facility was the right choice for Jessie.

If you want to board your dog, in addition to what the facility has to offer they will have requirements for you to meet as well.  Make sure you know all their requirements, restrictions, etc. well in advance of booking.


Requirements for dog boarding usually means that your dog must be current on the following vaccinations. This is to protect your dog as well as other dogs at the facility that may come in contact with your dog. 

In a kennel situation, diseases can spread fast so you want your dog to be protected against the most common canine contagious diseases. These vaccinations usually include:

  • Rabies Vaccine
  • DAPP (or DHPP) Vaccine (Distemper, Parvo, Parainfluenza, Adenovirus)
  • Leptospirosis Vaccine
  • Bordetella (aka Canine Kennel Cough) Vaccine

Some dog boarding facilities may also require that your dog be vaccinated for Canine Influenza Virus (Dog Flu). I have never had to get my dogs vaccinated for Canine Influenza, but definitely make sure you are aware of all the requirements. 

Be sure to get your dog the required vaccinations in plenty of time for your dog's boarding check-in. I have found that most facilities require pets to be vaccinated about 7 days prior to check-in. You also want to leave some time just in case your dog has an adverse reaction to any of the vaccinations.

Some dog boarding kennels may have additional requirements such as only accepting dogs that are friendly towards people, have no bite history, or other behavioral restrictions. Make sure you know all the requirements and restrictions before making a dog boarding reservation.  

Also be sure you find out all the dog boarding charges you may incur, over and above the daily boarding fee. Know exactly what the daily fee includes. You probably need to bring your dog's food, with every serving pre-measured and packed up separately.


Dog Boarding Facility

Give yourself time to find the right situation for your dog, whether that be a dog boarding facility, pet sitter, family member or friend. Do you vacation with your pet, or do you use a dog boarding facility, pet sitter, family member or friend? Leave us a comment and share!

Sharing is Caring If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your social media! ❤️

You may also enjoy these articles:

 Dog friendly Boone, NC
in the Blue Ridge Mountains


Dog food has come a long way in the last few decades. Pet Parents are dedicated to feeding their dogs the best dog food they can afford. Many dog owners even cook for their dogs to ensure they are feeding their dogs the highest quality, safest food. I'm a big believer in feeding my dogs high quality, safe food. I read dog food labels incessantly! I was recently given a new dog food that I just love! Caru Pet Food, human grade stew for dogs is a stew made for dogs that contains a balanced blend of meat, poultry, fish, healthy Omega fatty acids, Marine Microalgae oil rich in EPA and DHA fatty acids, vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals. They don't just cater to dogs, they make this healthy food for cats too!

As many of you know, my senior Husky dog Icy has become an increasingly picky eater and has lost a lot of weight. After a full exam, blood work and X-rays, our Veterinarian thinks it's largely because of her advanced age, she's 14 and a half, and the fact that she has arthritis and is often uncomfortable and sometimes lethargic. She also had a minor infection that probably contributed to her feeling ill and not eating as much. It's a sad part of dogs aging process.

CARU Stew For Dogs

Getting Icy to eat was becoming such a challenge! She no longer eats many of the foods she once devoured. We are learning what she will and will not eat. One of the changes in preference for her is that she doesn't go for the large chucks of chicken or beef that she used to love. She prefers food that is a bit softer and easier to chew and digest. When she tried Caru's stew for dogs she Loved it!  

The dog stew food comes in 12 ounce cartons versus cans, kind of like a really small milk carton. Caru sent me both the beef and pork stew recipes. I thought Icy would like the beef but I honestly didn't think she would like the pork, but she loved both! I'll definitely get the chicken and turkey flavors too.

I was given complementary samples of Caru Pet stew for dogs to try so that I can share with my readers.

Caru pet food, human grade stew for dogs
CARU human grade dog food

I'm really glad that this human grade dog food has so many healthy ingredients and none of the scary ingredients I don't even know how to pronounce! I was also super happy that the Caru Stew for dogs can function as both a complete meal, as well as a topper.  I tried it as a topper first and Icy went for it right away. I have since started using it as a complete meal, because it's so healthy and she will eat it with gusto. I'm hoping this might help her put back some of the 7 or 8 pounds she's lost in the last 4 months.

Caru stew for dogs is responsibly sourced with traceable ingredients. It's prepared in small batches with; 

🐾 No grain, wheat, gluten, corn, soy or animal by-products

🐾 No GMOs, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives



Ingredients list for Caru stew for dogs
Caru stew for dogs ingredients


Dog food and Cat food are always changing. New and improved products to meet the demand of discerning pet parents are being made all the time. I'm always on the lookout for better healthy dog food. I'm really happy to have found Caru, and I am thrilled that Icy loves it!

Where To Buy Caru Stew For Dogs

You can find Caru pet food online at Chewy, Amazon, and Petco. I had some trouble finding it at Petco stores. It is available in some stores, and they have a store locator on their web site, but I couldn't find any pet stores near me that had it so I have to order online.

Visit Caru Pet Food's web site to learn more.

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There are a number of reasons why microchipping dogs is a critical pet safety measure for dog parents. In fact, it's probably one of the smartest dog safety tips for dog owners, and cat owners too!  June is National Microchipping Month for pet owners.  It's a month in which to raise awareness of the importance of microchipping your pets, particularly dogs and cats.

Importance of Microchipping Pets

> A microchip permanently establishes you as the owner of your dog, and links you together for the life of your pet. Virtually all Veterinary offices and Animal shelters have microchip scanners that enable them to scan a dog or cat to see if a chip is present. In dogs and cats the microchip is usually placed, just beneath the skin, between the shoulder blades. Microchips are internationally recognized, so even if you travel abroad with your dog, their microchip can still be effective.

> Collars and tags are great, your dog should always wear them. However, collars can easily come off your pet. Collars can break off, a terrified dog can wriggle out of almost any collar or harness and run off. A well meaning citizen, or a not so well meaning citizen, can inadvertently remove a dog's collar - removing that means of identification and link to you. Unlike collars, a microchip is permanently attached to your dog.  In the U.S. it is illegal for anyone other than an owner to remove a pet's microchip.

> Once a microchip is installed, there is no further maintenance required. It's a one and done simple procedure that links you and your dog together for the life of your dog.

Microchipping dogs is a critical dog safety measure
Microchipping dogs & cats is critical for pet safety 

I can't overstate the importance of microchipping your dog or cat. As an 8 year animal shelter volunteer, I have seen the heartbreak of pet owners searching frantically for their lost dog or cat.  

They walk, teary eyed, up and down the rows of shelter pets desperately seeking their beloved dog or cat.  When they've searched every kennel, the anguish of not finding their pet is evident.  I have seen this look far too many times and it breaks my heart.  

I always asked them the critical question, already fearing the answer.  Is your dog microchipped?  No, they say, my dog isn't microchipped. I know then how drastically the odds of finding their pet plummets. 

But I offer as much encouraging information and advice as I can. I tell them that the shelter nearest their location might not be the one their dog was taken to. A pet is usually taken to the shelter that has the most room for them at that moment. Sometimes they are brought to a shelter that is many miles away.

I tell them to post large, full color posters throughout the neighborhood and ask to post them on windows of nearby stores. I tell them to go online and post their lost pet. If they have security cameras, like Ring cameras, there may be community groups in their area they can post lost dog or cat messages on. 

I offer whatever advice I can, knowing that if they had microchipped their dog or cat the odds of being reunited with their lost or stolen pet would be much, much higher.  


I'm excited to share the Pet Photo Necklaces and Keychains in my Etsy store! Just send in a photo of your pet and it will be transformed into a beautiful necklace or keychain with your pet's name and face engraved on the front. You can add a special engraved message to the back as well. 

Personalized Pet Photo Necklace, Pet Photo Keychain
Personalized Pet Necklaces and Keychains
created from your pet's photo!

These pieces are a great celebration of your pet and the love you share. They're also a thoughtful pet memorial gift for someone who has lost a beloved pet.


Even if a dog is stolen, one day a Veterinarian or authority just might scan the dog for a microchip. People who steal dogs often commit other crimes. The authorities and animal shelters know that. If dogs or cats are present at a criminal's home they are usually confiscated.  Every animal that lands in an animal shelter is scanned for a microchip - it's one of the first things they do upon intake!

So please, if you have a dog or cat and haven't microchipped them, consider it now.  Microchipping pets truly is a life saver.

Be well, keep your dogs, cats, and other pets safe!

Sharing is Caring If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your social media! ❤️

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More details on benefits and cost of Microchipping Pets