We had a leftover prime rib bone from my delicious birthday dinner this week. Since my Husky, Isis, has big chompers we gave the bone to her. This did NOT sit well with little Phoebe!
I'm sorry, but in what universe is it ok for that hussy Husky to have a delicious bone, and for me not to get a bone? What am I chopped liver?? |
HA! I got it, I got the bone! CHOMP, CHOMP! SLURP, SLURP! YUMMY, YUM YUM!! |
WHAT?! Why are you looking at me like that?? Isis turned her back for 10 seconds so I swooped in and snatched the bone away! |
Well I'm sorry, but in my book Possession Is Nine Tenths of the Law!! |
Now get lost, I've got a bone to pick clean! |
Well all-righty then, Miss Phoebe. I guess that's that, and that's the end of THAT!
Everything turned out ok, the dogs shared the bone (kind of) and both got to enjoy some supervised chewing time with it. Do your pets fight over bones, toys or other goodies? How do you keep the peace?
Yay for supervised chewing time! Our pups always have 2 of everything (antlers, toys), but they always seem to want exactly what the other one has. We're steering clear of bones & antlers for a while, since Buzz actually fractured a tooth while chewing on a beef bone ~ the tooth had to be removed in its entirety, so we're a bit (ok, A LOT!) on the cautious side now as far as chewing is concerned.
If left to their own, Hailey would eat all the treats. However, with some close supervision we can have some sharing. They do share antlers well.
We can't share bones unless the boys are in separate rooms. Bentley wants all bones. LOL
Yep, if there's more than one dog, don't blink, it's gone.
We think that's a good idea. We'll start calling Jan Calamity Jan. She doesn't like to be called Jane, so CJ. :)
Big time noms happening here!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
The grass is always greener! Thanks for stopping by!
I do try to keep the peace & make sure there's more than one of something if we can't supervise. Thanks for stopping by!
BOL! I guess we know who's top dog in your house! Thanks for stopping by MK!
LOL! Same here, if one turns their snout for a second, Whoosh! Thanks for stopping by Jan
Oh yeah!! Leftover prime rib bone - a hot commodity! Thanks for stopping by!
At our house, either everyone gets one or you need to be home alone and get such a fancy thing as a reward while the others are out. Nice they don't actually fight over it, we probably would.
Our crew would not be nearly as nice about it, so they don't get bones like that unless they're separated!
Thanks for joining the Multi Pet Mania blog hop!
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
I wrote a post last week about my dogs' most recent fight... over a bone. Usually, they sit side by side with their raw meaty bones, but on this day, Leo dropped his too close to Mia and when he wanted it back, she said no...and they scuffled. We separated them and no one got hurt, but they'll be getting their bones separately for a while!
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