My Dog's Backyard Adventure

I was recently reminded that my dogs don't need to travel somewhere in order to have an Adventure.  Sometimes you can find adventure right in your own backyard! 

A week or two ago we got a lot of snow here, nearly a foot of the white stuff.  Being a Siberian Husky, Icy was loving all the snow in our yard.  She was leaping through the snow like a Gazelle, trying to play fetch with a ball that kept getting lost in snow, and having herself a good time.  I felt a little bad though.  I felt like she should go somewhere and have some real fun in the snow with other dogs.  But the dog park hadn't been plowed out and many of the roads were still in bad shape.  

Have a backyard adventure with your dog
Icy loves playing in the snow, but it's lonely out there in the white stuff by yourself!
As I watched my neighbor take his Golden Retriever, Cooper, outside for a potty break it dawned on me.  Why not invite Cooper over for a play date in our snow filled yard!  Icy loves Cooper, they've been crushing on each other for a few years now.  

A fun Doggie Playdate in the yard
Icy invited Cooper over the play in the snow with her, but he kept hogging the ball!
I knew Icy and Cooper would have a blast playing together in the snow so I walked over to them and issued the invitation.  "Sure!" Cooper's Dad said and we walked back to our house together.

Dogs playing in the snow together
Icy gives Cooper the Play Bow signal, saying she's ready to PLAY!
I must say, it was a brilliant idea!  The dogs had a blast running and playing in the snow together for over an hour.  My husband and our neighbor would throw the ball and Cooper, being an excellent Retriever, would find it lodged deep in the snow right away.  Icy never seemed to get to the ball first, but she didn't mind.  She had her canine bestie with her, and that's all that mattered.

A backyard doggie playdate.  Dogs love playing in the snow
Catch me if you can, Cooper!  Wooo! Wooo!
Here's a 26 second video of some of their Doggie Play Date fun:

Needless to say, Cooper tired her out pretty good and Icy slept really soundly that night.

It just goes to show you that you don't always have to get in the car to have an adventure, sometimes it's waiting for you right in your own backyard!

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What kind of adventures does your dog love?  Tell us about it in the comments, we always LOVE hearing from you!


Two French Bulldogs said...

You must be having a blast in that snow
Lily & Edward

M. K. Clinton said...

I'm so glad that Ivy's sweetheart came to play. Cooper is so very handsome ❤❤ I can't get over all that snow!!

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

So much fun! Playdates with known dogs is so much safer than a group of unknown dogs. Looks like you two had a blast.

Three Chatty Cats said...

Looks like it was a fun time in the backyard! I'm glad that Cooper was able to join Icy for a play date.

Hindy Pearson said...

I couldn't agree with you more. There are tons of adventures we have with our dogs, and they don't even involve a car ride. It must have been so heartwarming watching the dogs play together in the snow. A beautiful sight!!

Unknown said...

Icy and Copper looked like they had a wonderful time together! Inviting the neighbourhood dog over for a play date is a super idea!

M Dawson said...

What a lovely post This really made me smile. Genuine good fun for the pups and some snow time for you (hope you wrapped up warm!!)

It's amazing how some dogs just LOVE going out in freezing cold stuff LO!!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Awww, looks like Icy had a fantastic time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect day! You're right, sometimes our backyard, a ball, and a buddy are all it takes to have a grand old time! Thanks for sharing this story and reminder!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Your right. There are lots of adventures right here
Lily & Edward

AmyShojai said...

Magic misses the snow. This year we've had flurries just one time. Nothing on the ground. Poor, deprived doggy...

Rachele Baker said...

That was a great idea to invite Cooper over for a play date, Cathy! They both obviously had a blast!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

What a fun idea! I need to remember this myself. When thinking of places to go with my cats, I never think about just going out to play in my own back yard. I wish kitty play-dates were as easy as doggy ones! ;)

Robin said...

These two look like they are having a lot of fun out in the snow! It makes me smile to see them so happy. :) They are getting some great exercise!
-Purrs from your friends at

The Daily Pip said...

Awe, looks like Cooper and Icy had a wonderful time together. It's nice that you have neighbors with dogs. We have a dog a few doors down, but she sometimes is aggressive with Ruby sadly.

Unknown said...

Very cute -- playing in the snow with a friend! <3 Dear Mishu

Unknown said...

That play date looks like a blast. I think Max should invite Emma over (she's always running across the street anyway) and make her an official friend. Loved the video, there's something so precious about tails wagging high in the air like that.

Brando and Bogart said...

Thank you for sharing the snowy weather with us. We haven't had much snow to play in this year. Humphrey hasn't had a good roll in the snow :(

Allison said...

This is a neat article! I love your natural storytelling style and all the fun photos. We've set up agility courses in our house and we've taken out pets to the park. These activities have given them lots of small and wonderful moments.

LaylasWoof said...

What a brilliant idea, a play date, love it and it looks like they had a fantastic time

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

Sometimes staycations can be just as satisfying! The dogs look like they had a ball.

Unknown said...

These pics are amazing - honestly, Cooper and Icy together are adorable. I swear they are both smiling. What a play date the two of them had! Cooper looks really sweet -I can see what they're bff's. This makes me miss the snow for just a minute! ;)

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a cool idea! A play date with fur children!

Karen H. said...

I love this! It's funny how the answers are often literally right in front of us! Icy was definitely flirting with Cooper, too!

MattieDog said...

Cooper and Icy had the best of times together - and that's what it's all about for dogs! Great idea just to seize the moment and invite over a friend!

Beth said...

It looks like Icy and Cooper had a great snow day together! You are right, you don't have to leave home to have a little adventure. It is all about enjoying what the day has to offer.

Talent Hounds said...

Lucky Icy. Your Backyard looks great and what a fun playdate with Cooper in the snow. Perfect weather and adventure for a husky or golden. So important to get them out and active. Unfortunately Kilo the Pug likes marking snow and smelling all the Pee-mail but definitely not playing in it, and he doesn't like most other dogs (his BFF and neighbour Stanley passed of cancer last year)

Sonja of MontecristoTravels said...

Nothing beats a great playdate!

jank1961 said...

They were sure having some fun - I love it! Our back yard is our favorite place for fun! Do you still have your snow? Ours is melting away due to a whole lot of spring-like weather!
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

Unknown said...

What a smart idea! A play date is just the thing to wear out a dog on a snowy, cold day. And how wonderful that you have a perfect friend right next door! Little jealous over here. We have plenty of cat neighbors but few dogs.

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Groovy Goldendoodles said...

Romps between furry friends are always special moments. I love looking at all the snow.

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