Many dogs experience anxiety.  Anxiety in dogs can be caused by a variety of things such as fireworks, thunder, car rides, or being left alone (separation anxiety).  

Three things make my dog Icy anxious; Thunder, Fireworks...... and a weird, puzzling occurrence on our walks into town.  We tried countless times to address her anxieties, but nothing worked.  We don't want to medicate her, but we need something that will effectively ease her anxiety.

This post is sponsored by Therabis™ and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated to help share information about Therabis - Hemp wellness products to help your dog with itching, anxiety and joint mobility. Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Therabis is not responsible for the content of this article.

We love going on the 7 minute walk from our house into town with our dogs.  It's a really nice walk to shops, restaurants, and other attractions on Main Street in our town, or "the village" as locals call it.  The noise, people and dogs walking along sidewalks don't bother Icy.  In fact, she is very confident on walks, hikes, meeting new people and visiting new places.

However, there is ONE SPOT along our walk into town that creates a ton of anxiety for her!  As soon as we get to this one particular spot on our walk, she becomes anxious and refuses to go any further. She insists on changing direction to head back home again. In this video you can see Icy's anxious reaction when we get to that particular spot on our walk, and then the difference  after we gave her two Therabis Calm and Quiet treats.

We couldn't figure out what was causing Icy such anxiety!  It's not a particularly noisy or crowded spot, there are no scary statues or anything, and there are no uncomfortable gratings on the sidewalk in that area.  Friends joked that maybe there is a ghost who haunts that precise spot!  OK, so the town is historical and was settled in the 1600's, but seriously, a ghost!?   We don't know what caused this anxiety in our normally confident dog, we just wanted to calm her anxiety so Icy could enjoy walks into town as much as we do.

When I was presented with the opportunity to try Therabis Calm and Quiet treats, I jumped at it!  I knew that if these treats could help Icy calmly walk into town and reduce her anxiety during thunderstorms and 4th of July fireworks, it would make life much more enjoyable for all of us.  So I decided to give it a try.


Anxiety in dogs, Anxious dog  #dogs  #anxietyindogs #anxiousdogs #hemp #CBD
Therabis Calm and Quiet treat supplements can help dogs stay calm in stressful situations

Therabis Calm and Quiet treat supplements are formulated with naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the Hemp plant.  Combined with vitamins and green tea leaf extract (L-theanine), they can reduce stress levels and help dogs stay calm in stressful situations.  


I had been reading a lot about Cannabinoid products and their success in treating both people and pets for a variety of issues.  At first I was unsure about pet products that use "naturally occurring cannabinoids", but after doing some research I felt much more confident about it.

Dog anxiety, Dog health, Dog supplements, Anxious dog,
Calm dogs anxiety with Therabis Calm and Quiet treat supplements

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in the Hemp plant that is classified as a "Cannabinoid".  CBD interacts with your pet's endocannabinoid system - the central regulatory system known to affect bodily processes like digestion, mood and sleep.

 Therabis Hemp Derived Cannabinoid products contain Whole-Plant Hemp Oil, a Vitamin Blend, L-Theanine from green tea, Green Lipped Mussel powder, and other ingredients.  Calm and Quiet treats also contain natural ingredients including: Garbanzo flour, Pea flour, Palm fruit oil, Flaxseed meal, Coconut oil, and natural flavorings.

 Therabis was founded by Dr. Stephen M. Katz, a Veterinarian who spent a decade researching, developing, and perfecting their all-natural formulas.  Therabis products have been rigorously tested at the Bronx Veterinary Center over the past 10 years.  Additionally, Therabis products must pass any and all FDA requirements regarding stability and contamination.


NO. Products with Cannabidiol (CBD) do NOT get people or pets "High", they are NOT the same as marijuana at all. Hemp and Marijuana are two very different plants.

THC is an ingredient that comes from the Marijuana plant.  THC creates a psychoactive effect and is the ingredient that creates the euphoric "high" of marijuana.

CBD comes from the Hemp plant and does NOT create a psychoactive effect in people or pets.  The Hemp plant has been bred to fulfill industrial applications like fiber, paper and nutrition.  It contains only trace amounts -  less than .3% THC by law, which is why neither people nor dogs experience a "high" when they consume hemp-derived products.

Therabis Calm and Quiet Treat Supplements for dogs do not create a psychoactive effect in your pet like the THC in marijuana does.  Calm and Quiet treats reduce stress levels to help ease anxiety and maintain a calm energy through stressful situations. Learn more about
Therabis Hemp Wellness Products for Pets .

Therabis Calm and Quiet dog treats helped ease Icy's anxiety on our walks into town so much, I tried them for her thunderstorm anxiety issue!  Icy always heads for the closet at the first hint of thunder.  We have a lot of thunderstorms so I didn't have to wait long to try it out. At the first clap of thunder, Icy was up like a shot and retreated to the closet.

I always feel so bad for Icy when a thunderstorm hits, she suffers the entire time.  I'm delighted to report that after giving Icy two Therabis Calm and Quiet treats while she was hiding in the closet, within 15 minutes she calmed down enough to come out of the closet on her own, with the thunderstorm still going on!

Therabis Hemp Derived supplements for dogs helped my dog with her anxiety issues.  #GrabTheLeash #dogs #anxiousdogs #scareddogs
Icy can come out of the closet now that she has Therabis Calm and Quiet Treats!

I'm so glad I finally found something that will help Icy deal with the anxiety she feels during Walks into town, Thunderstorms and Fireworks!  I was really happy to see that in all those instances, the Therabis Calm and Quiet treats worked beautifully.  I'm almost looking forward to the next time our town decides to shoot off fireworks.... well, almost!

👉 IF YOUR DOG SUFFERS FROM ANXIETY LIKE ICY DOES, give Therabis Calm and Quiet Treat Supplements a try!  

Therabis hemp derived cannabinoid products are also available in these formulas:

Therabis UP AND MOVING Hemp Derived CBD Supplement for dogs
If your dog has issues with joint mobility such as difficulty walking up stairs or jumping, Up and Moving helps promote healthy joints and mobility.

Therabis STOP THE ITCH Hemp Derived CBD Supplement for dogs
If your dog suffers from Itchy skin or hot spots, Stop The Itch can help ease the constant itching and scratching.

Therabis CALM AND QUIET Powder supplement for dogs
Icy's anxiety is triggered by 3 things; Thunder, Fireworks, and a specific point during walks into town.  But if your dog suffers from frequent separation anxiety, or other more general anxiety, Therabis Calm and Quiet Powder formula might be a good fit for you.  It comes in a single serving size you can give your dog daily to help her maintain a calm energy on a continual basis.

Note: I am not a Veterinarian, Vet Tech, or health professional, nor do I play one online!  I do however, share information & tips that have worked for my own dogs, my foster dogs, and the dogs of my family and friends.  Always check with your Veterinarian before giving your pet a new food, treat, or supplement.

Have you tried any Hemp Derived CBD products for your pets?  Please tell us in the comments!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Therabis™. The opinions and text are all mine.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are going to try these for Lightning. He is absolutely terrified of bikes on our walks. It has gotten to the point where he is constantly on guard watching and anxiously expecting a bike to show up from any direction. These sound like they might help him a lot. Thanks for sharing.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

M. K. Clinton said...

We LOVE Therabis! I swear by the Stop the Itch and love the results of our Calm and Quiet. It is great that it helped Ice get past the "scary" part of her walk.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh poor Lightning! I bet he would definitely benefit from Calm and Quiet treats, it worked for Icy the first time she tried them - just 2 treats and she calmed down so much. Give these a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I've heard good things from several people about both Stop the Itch and Up and Moving. The Calm and Quiet treats helped Icy on our walk and also with thunder - nothing ever helped her with thunder before, I was actually shocked when she just came right out of the closet on her own a few minutes after having 2 treats! I am sufficiently impressed.

Beth said...

This might be perfect for my dog Sophie. She's pretty high strung in the car and on walks.

WherePetsAreFound said...

In a city rife with Fireworks... (Sydney), I can't tell you how much I wish we had access to this product! Thanks for sowing the seed with us ... pun intended ;)

Baymonkey said...

We might try this for Babu, he gets super anxious during fourth of july fireworks

Unknown said...

So glad that Therabis is helping Icy on your walks into town and with thunderstorms. Storms are Helo's worst enemy. We've been using these treats too for that reason and what a difference they have made for him!

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people are confused about the difference between marijuana and hemp plants. You clearly explained the difference, which is very important so that pet owners aren't turned off by misinformation.

Unknown said...

Poor girl! It's hard for us when we don't know what it is that is frightening our pets. We wish we could make things better for them and wish they could tell us so we could make it easier. I'm happy that you have found a product like Therabis that is helping.

Hindy Pearson said...

I must admit if I had seen an ad for this I would be skeptical that a calming product found in a treat can work so well. I can totally relate to Icy's anxiety on one part of her walk. I have the same issue with Jack. There's a part of the road that goes over a little river, and it's on the route we take. We've had him about 3 years and he walked back and forth over that stretch of sidewalk every day, no problem. One day on our way back he put the brakes on and would not walk over that stretch. I'm sure something happened when he was with my husband (blame the husband!!) and he didn't realise it scared Jack. What's so odd is that he has no trouble walking that stretch when starting his walk, it's on the way back that he freaks. It's definitely not because he doesn't want to go home. I've tried all kinds of desensitisation techniques blah blah blah and nothing. The only time he does walk back over it is if he's with me, Red in her stroller and hubby. I haven't given him anything because otherwise he's great. This is my long winded way of saying it sounds like an interesting product to look into. Thanks for sharing!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh I'm sure it would help Sophie. I was amazed at how fast it worked and how it just took the edge off for Icy. Give these treats a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I so wish you could get it out there! I can't believe how effective it was for Icy, it's the only thing that's worked for her.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm definitely going to use it for fireworks. It's worked great for our walk into town and a giant thunderstorm so I'll be it will be effective when the fireworks start booming! Give it a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know right!? It's the only thing that has worked. I never like to use medications if we don't have to, so this was perfect & it worked so well.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much for saying that Lori, it really is quite confusing so I tried to make it as simple as I could. They really are very different plants!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Her anxiety on our walks into town are the strangest thing, we cannot figure it out! Thunder and fireworks I understand but the walks are so weird. The Calm & Quiet treats worked for both thunder and our walks so I'm happy!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Isn't that just so weird!? They just sense something and it causes anxiety, whatever that thing is. I was skeptical about these products too, but I did a lot of research and it's the only thing that worked for her!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That is amazing! I definitely need to get a bad of these calming treats for my mom's dog. He goes crazy during thunderstorms, which we have all the time in SC.

Unknown said...

We haven't tried Therabis yet, but we absolutely love CBD treats for Beau. He is naturally an anxious, reactive dog and the CBD allows him to achieve balance within his own body. These sound like an amazing, natural option for our pets.

Maggie said...

I'm thinking I might have to try this with Cooper... He's a high-strung little guy to begin with, but he does have random things--like Icy's spot!--that cause him more stress than others. Thanks for such a thorough review! I think we'll have to give it a whirl!

FiveSibesMom said...

This sounds like something I need to try with our girl, Bandit. She has developed anxiety to fireworks now, which she never had before. Thank you for the great review! I will be checking these out!

DawgBlogger said...

If my dog had serious problem for which I couldn't find a good solution, I'd definitely research and try anything that might be out there.

Unknown said...

Cathy, I am SO impressed by this! Your video was captivating! Did you work with Icy in between the two takes? I have seen my dogs, especially Sulley, behave apprehensively like this for no apparent reason. I have chalked it up to a certain smell that only he picks up, or something that just doesn't feel safe. I am keenly aware of my dogs' body language all the time and it is obvious you are as well. Most people may not even have picked up on Icy's anxiety if it weren't for her laying down. I am completely sold on the benefits of these products for dogs with anxiety. This was awesome!! Thank you!

LaylasWoof said...

I have the treats here and am going to test them on Layla because lately she does not want to go to the park, but once inside all is good. She does get hemp hearts in her food daily

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Definitely give it a try! I was a bit skeptical because nothing else really worked and I didn't want to medicate Icy for her fears. I was so pleasantly surprised when it worked like a charm and really fast! I had tried other "calming" treats but they didn't help.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I was a bit skeptical of CBD and using anything from the Hemp plant, but once I researched it I was more open to it. I'm thrilled that these treats work so well for Icy.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I would definitely recommend trying Calm and Quiet treat supplements for Cooper, I bet it will help him! If you try it, let me know how it goes!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I will definitely be using the Calm and Quiet treat supplements the next time our town shoots off fireworks. I wish I had these back on 4th of July! She could have really used them. Give them a try with Bandit and let me know how it goes. I bet you'll see great results.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Her anxiety isn't all the time and it's not really serious, but she does suffer. I didn't want to have to use medication for anxiety, that seemed excessive and the effects would be too strong and too long lasting. These treats were perfect, I'm just so happy they worked for her!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thanks so much for the compliment on my video! It was actually my first time actually editing video. I learned how to join two videos together and add a transition & a text slide - it was a big deal for me, LOL! I'm very aware of my dogs' body language and reactions, it can be so subtle sometimes you really have to pay attention. I am definitely sold on the benefits of this calming treat supplement, I can't believe how well it worked in both instances

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh I bet these will work great for Layla! Please let me know how it goes and if it reduces her anxiety going to the park. I've never heard of adding hemp hearts to food, I'll have to look into that! Have you blogged about it? If so, I'd love to see the link & check it out.

Unknown said...

Anyone reading the comments - all I can say is THIS WORKS! We got the calm and quiet for our pom/papi mix who suffers and always has suffered from anxiety!
She gets scared of storms especially if thunder. Fireworks, loud cars you name it!
This is not a solve all solution but eases and soothes her so that we can distract her with cuddling, massage, and other things where before she would not do anything but hide in a corner and shake to the point I thought she would have a heart attack!
It really helps!

Sandy Kubillus said...

Great video! Maybe it's a smell that Icy is afraid of. Glad the Therabis worked for Icy. My Chipper's anxiety is only for thunderstorms and fireworks. He's on Solequin and the occassional Treatible if he gets anxious in the middle of the night. I might have to try Therabis.

The Daily Pip said...

Ruby is very nervous sometimes but mostly of being left alone (especially by me) and certain men and all men on bikes. She's not bothered by thunder or fireworks strangely enough.

Awe Icy, that spot really scared her! But wow, the Therabis treats really made a difference! I definitely need to try to these with Ruby.

Cathy, you have a great speaking voice and sound so professional in this video. Great job!

M Dawson said...

This is a terrific post. Just the kind I like to see. Thank you!

I know many people will identify with Icy's inexplicable worry about a totally normal spot, and be baffled with such nervousness. These treats look perfect and do the trick!

I love that you explain who Therabis are and how the treats work. You are so comprehensive I can't fail to be reassured they are great for nervous dogs!

Happy-Go-Doodle said...

Thanks for sharing such a thorough overview of this product. I'm glad you found a solution that helps Icy. Watching your video, I could see how anxious Icy was and hear the concern in your voice. It's good to know that Icy has a solution...and that she has you.

Unknown said...

Poor Icy! I hate storms too and fireworks are the worst, mom wanted to try these for me too. There are a few places on our walks that I try to avoid and it's usually because of the dogs that live there or I know we're heading to the vet or the groomer. Very happy for Icy that Therabis help! Love Dolly

Impurrfectlife said...

Wow. Great video explanation. You can really see the big change in Icy's behavior. Therabis is like magic! When I first saw the resistance I was thinking the space was haunted or something, but with Therabis Icy was cool and calm as a cucumber. Awesome.

ShaylaS11 said...

I tell people all the time about how great it was for my old pup! It really did wonders in a few ways that helped him get around more often in his later years.

Carleenp said...

We use the up and moving formula and are happy with it. I might try the calming one too.

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried this yet, but it's definitely on my radar to try out on Soldier. His anxiety is greatest on car rides - he is the only dog I know who is terrified of riding in the car.

AmyShojai said...

What an interesting stress trigger. It makes me wonder if that's a marking place for other dogs. When you can't "see" or "hear" something different, my thoughts always go to scent signals. So glad that Ice had a great benefit from the product.

Shelby Gottschalk said...

I'm so happy it's going well on these treats!! I've heard good things. :) -Shelby G.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I wonder what it is about that spot. Maybe she can smell something humans can't? It's great she's calmer during walks and thunderstorms!

Unknown said...

Wow what a reaction she has to that place - maybe a ghost??
I think we all have dogs with anxiety in some way. My Becca hates fireworks - she panics!

Unknown said...

Bruin suffers from anxiety when he is on a leash which makes it a bit of a struggle when we are out and about. I'm definitely going to look into these, anything to help our furry pals! Thanks for sharing!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Yay for Icy! I'm so glad these worked for her. My niece's dog is terrified of thunderstorms so I am definitely buying these for him. Fantastic post.

Bryn Nowell said...

That's so strange about that spot on your walks! I wish we could ask our pets questions so we know what's going on!

I'm so glad these treats have helped out! We have tried other CBD Treats with good luck so I'll be sure to consider these should we need to purchase more.

Kelsie - It's Dog or Nothing said...

I'm still trying to find the "perfect" supplement for Mauja's anxiety - I feel like we've tried so many! I had never heard of this brand before so I'm definitely going to check it out.

Unknown said...

Interesting, I've always been skeptical of these sort of things, but reading this has changed my mind. I'll definitely be giving these a try soon.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad the Calm & Quiet is working well for your dog! I like that it comes in either a treat form or a packet form that you can use every day. It's terrible to see your beloved pooch suffer with no relief. These treats worked so well for us.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Sandy, I appreciate the kind words on my video, it's my first edited video! I like these in treat form, it prevents me from having to medicate Icy which I don't want to do. She only needs occasional help, not every day calming. Fireworks & thunderstorms are bad for her too. Now I have something that works!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

OMG, thank you so much for the compliment on my video & my voice - I try hard to hide the Long Island, NY accent, LOL! These would be great for Ruby, you should try them. Phoebe was afraid of all men when we first got her but never afraid of thunder or fireworks either - I guess they have something in common!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much Marjorie, I'm glad you liked the post! Icy's weird reaction at just that exact spot is so puzzling but whatever it is now I have something that will work for her! I'm just so happy to have these treats.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you so much, I'm really glad you liked the post & video. I'm so happy this actually works for her, I had my doubts at first!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Fireworks are definitely the worst and people seem to be setting them off more and more every year. I'm glad I have something that really works! You should give Calm & Quiet treats a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Isn't it incredible!? I did NOT expect it to work so well. On the video, that is the first walk we took after giving her the treats!! They worked right away and totally prevented her from doing that normal routine of refusing to go any further right at that spot. It's amazing! I'm so happy.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad I have these treats! I don't have to worry so much about thunderstorms or even fireworks.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm sure the Up and Moving formula must be fantastic, the Calm & Quiet sure are! I definitely recommend them.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, poor Soldier! I bet these treats will help him a lot. Give them a shot, you've got nothing to lose! Let us know how it goes.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Isn't it weird!? It probably is a marking place, but so are a ton of other spots. She usually doesn't mind that at all, in fact both my dogs are fixated on checking "pee mail" and leaving their replies, LOL! It must be scent related because I can't see anything visual at all. I can't figure it out, but I'm glad I can now deal with it effectively.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's going really well, it helped us so much with Icy's walk and with a few thunderstorms as well!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I don't know, it's so puzzling! It must be scent driven because we could walk miles and she's completely fine. But that ONE spot just freaks her out!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Several people have said it must be a ghost, LOL! It must be a scent or something, whatever it is it's imperceptible to us. I'm just so glad I have the Calm & Quiet treats now and we can go past that place without incident.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh no, poor Bruin! I bet these will help him, give them a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so relieved they worked great for her. I definitely think they are a good fit for dogs afraid of thunder, they helped Icy with her fear of thunder too!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Isn't it the weirdest thing!? I so wish I could ask her what the heck is freaking her out so much. I tried another CBD type treat but it didn't help at all. I'm thrilled that these worked!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

OMD, definitely give these a try! I tried one or two others but they didn't help at all. These treats worked like a charm! Poor Mauja!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I was really skeptical too, I'd read a lot about these products for awhile before deciding to try them. I'm so glad my post helped provide you with helpful information!

Karen H. said...

Thanks for sharing this! My dog April is very anxious......any loud noise, school bus whoosh backfire, all scare her. That's really strange about Icy. Anytime something like that happens, I really want to figure it out, hate seeing cats and dogs so anxious. I need to check out these treats for my April!

Talent Hounds said...

Kilo the Pug has lots of weird anxieties and they are crippling really. I wish Therabis was available here in Canada as it looks amazing. I am a big CBD tan if done well. Great review and great success story for Icy. XS

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Poor April, I'm sorry to hear she suffers from anxiety. I would definitely think about the Calm and Quiet treats, or even the daily packets added to her food if her anxiety is frequent. Let me know how she does with it if you give Calm and Quiet a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh no, my poor little man! I had no idea he suffered from anxiety. I wish Therabis was available there too, maybe you can contact the company and ask if you are permitted to receive it by mail. I'm happy to mail you a bag if it doesn't break any rules. I was amazed at how well it worked for Icy when no other CBD type treats helped her.

Michelle & The Paw Pack said...

Aww Icy <3 My Fenrir has a lot of anxieties but we've never been able to find any OTC supplement that really worked. I've tried really high quality CBD, several brands, and none of them seemed to do anything at all for him. TO be honest I kind of gave up trying because, in my experience, CBD products are not cheap and I got sick of paying so much for them only to have them do nothing for my boy. I'll have to check out the pricing for Therabis - I'm not above trying again if they are a decent price!

Tiffany said...

I'm so glad that their are more options to help our pets with anxiety issues! Will def look into it as fireworks are back again!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh, poor Fen! It's worth a shot, they are the best ones I've tried so far. Don't give up!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Me too! I used to love fireworks but now I just think of how scared Icy can get. I'm ready for the 4th with these treats! I use them for bad thunderstorms as well.

LaylasWoof said...

Great post and eye opener for me, Layla has become anxious with age and I have put her on CBD oil although it makes her sleep until I can find something better to try. I have tried one but she is allergic to the ingredients, my luck.
Love from Layla

Dash Kitten Crew said...

I am so glad you mentioned non-medical ways of helping a dog. This is SO useful to know. People want to throw medication at a dog and hope it works but this looks much more positive and really helpful. Anxiety can cripple a dog, or a person really so a gentle and positive method to help gets a four paws up from us.

Britt K said...

I am so glad to see more people talking about the power of CBD to help calm and relax our pets. When you're dealing with severe anxiety, it's hard not to have an answer to make things better. Isn't it? I'm not sure what might be setting her off in that spot, but you're doing a great job of addressing the problem by helping to calm her and make her feel more comfortable.

Sweet Purrfections said...

It's important to find something to help our pets calm down and experience less anxiety. Happy you found something.

Robin said...

These sound wonderful! Keeping dogs calm during thunderstorms and fireworks is not an easy task. Noise anxiety can be so horrible. It's important that we address anxiety in our pets the same way we're beginning to address it as humans. (PS- This is Robin from Playful Kitty. I'm working for CrittEar now.)

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