Easter with your dogs can be such a fun day. My dogs always have lots of treats, and I try to get a cute Easter outfit for them. Or at least cute bunny ears to wear! Phoebe looks adorable in her frilly little Easter dress. I just love that dress!
I'd like to share a throwback to my dogs very first Doggie Easter Egg Hunt, and if I do say so myself it was a huge success!
My dog Phoebe with her Easter Egg Basket |
On Easter morning, Icy and Phoebe had a glorious breakfast of eggs, one of their favorite foods. After breakfast we had a long walk in the park and then made our way to our favorite café for coffee and yummy chew sticks!
Icy relaxed at the outdoor café after our long Easter morning walk |
After our walk, it was time to get ready for the main event of the day, the Easter egg hunt!
I had never done a Dog Easter Egg Hunt before, so I took some tips from posts I had seen on a few other blogs and organized a fun Easter Egg Hunt for my dogs in our yard!
My dogs, dressed in their Easter best, anticipating all the fun of their first Easter Egg Hunt! |
Phoebe wanted to wear her new Easter dress all day, but I made her take it off for the Easter egg hunt. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable or get her dress caught on anything!
Icy and Phoebe watched closely as I loaded up the plastic Easter eggs with their favorite treats in preparation for the hunt, eyeing me closely to see which treats went into which egg! |
The excitement built as I got ready to hide the eggs filled with delicious dog treats! |
The hunt began and there were Easter eggs everywhere!! Icy didn't know which way to turn first, LOL!
Look Phoebe! There's some eggs over by the kitty statue! |
I found another one! This one has biscuits in it! |
I got another one! Yummm, this one smells like fish treats! |
I loved my first Doggie Easter egg hunt, Mom. Can we do it again tomorrow? |
After all the excitement of the day, it was off to bed for the dogs. Thanks for stopping by friends, we enjoyed sharing our Easter fun with you!
Hosting Easter Egg Hunts with my dogs was such a delight! It's also a great idea to invite a few of your dog's friends to share in the fun. Be sure to have plenty of water available throughout your doggie Easter party!
Sadly, Phoebe has since gone Over The Rainbow Bridge, but I have incredible cherished memories like this one of her. I was so blessed to have such a beautiful little dog in my life for 10 years. I often reflect on how incredibly lucky I was to have found her.
How do you celebrate Easter with your dogs (or Passover)? Do your dogs or other pets join in on the celebration? Leave us a comment, we always love hearing from you!
Please remember to keep Easter candy, especially chocolate far out of reach of your dog. Chocolate is highly toxic to dogs!
What a fun Easter! Phoebe you look great in your sunday Easter wear.
They are so cute! I love the bunny ears!! :D
I ran out and got some plastic eggs from the dollar store to hide treats for my pups. They were so funny! Of course they were exceptionally poor quality eggs, so at least half of them ended up cracked. Who cares? It was fun!
Looks like everybunny had a good time!
--Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Looks like an awesome Easter. In some of those pictures Phoebe looks just like our angel Gemini!
Did you find the Easter bunny
Lily & Edward
this is just darling! What a brilliant and clever idea to hide treats in the eggs!!! Dakota wishes he weren't Jewish BOL!
how adorable! I never thought about a treat egg hunt! What a fab idea. And the ears... LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Looks like you have had a ton of fun!!!! You pups are such good sports getting all dressed up and you definitely look adorbs!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Oh thank you so much, Phoebe loves her Easter dress! Thanks for stopping by Jessica!
Don't they just look so cute in their floppy little bunny ears!? Thanks for stopping by Lauren!
I got mine at the dollar store too, but they all held up really well. I was so sure Isis, my Husky, would demolish them but they remained in tact - ready for next year's hunt! They really are adorable as they hunt for the eggs, aren't they? LOL! Thanks for stopping by Kari!
We sure did have a blast! Thanks for stopping by Susan!
Yes, it was an awesome day! I saw a photo of Gemini in your Rainbow Bridge post and yes, Phoebe and Gemini do look alike! Two beautiful sweeties. Thanks for stopping by!
No, we did not! That wiley bunny kept eluding us! Maybe next year. Thanks for stopping by Lily & Edward!
Thank you Caren, the dogs had a ton of fun finding all the yummy treats! Hope you had a nice Passover, thanks for stopping by!
I found the idea on a couple of other blogs I read so I wanted to give it a try. It worked out beautifully, we all had so much fun doing the Easter egg hunt! Thanks for stopping by!
We had a blast! Thanks for the compliments, Phoebe loved wearing her new Easter dress, although Isis kept trying to play with the tulle ruffles on the bottom BOL! Thanks for stopping by Jenna!
What a brilliant idea and what a beautiful memory also, I have never thought about this for Layla and now feel guilty LOL hmm maybe tomorrow will try something with her in our apartment as they are expecting rain, love it love it love it. Phoebe you are missed sweetheart, sending hugs and Happy Easter
Oh what fun! I love seeing these photos of Phoebe, and of course Icy. You've given me a great idea to have a little Easter egg hunt for Henry tomorrow. I hadn't thought about that much. But these photos are simply precious that I feel encourage to let Henry joy in the fun. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing these sweet photos of Phoebe and Icy. Happy Easter!
Not sure if my comment went through so will try again.
This is such a fun idea! I love that the dogs join in the Easter fun and it's not all humans eating chocolate. It was a wise move making sure Phoebe's dress was taken off so she could enjoy the excitement.
Marjorie at Dash Kitten
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